Friday, November 5, 2010

Not funny...

Well, it's Friday and nothing funny has happened to me all week long that I could blog about.  It's been a very boring week.  Except for Monday.  Lot's happened on Monday but none of it funny.  Colts won!  That's always good because my husband is in a bad mood when they loose, and since they won he's been in a good mood all week.  My nephews 1st birthday is tonight so I'm sure something funny will happen there.  I hope so anyway because although this hasn't been a bad week it hasn't been a great week either.  One of those indifferent weeks where you get up and do everything you should do and then go to bed.  Nothing exciting, nothing spectacular, just a get through each day week. 

On another note, my mom is doing much better!  The treatment to kill the vicious tumors is working.  She cracks me up sometimes.  We went out to eat a few weeks ago and she says "I'm smoking in your car, I know you don't allow that but I need a cigarette and I'll roll down the window."  Then she asked me if my tan was airbrushed.  I said "no, tanning bed, it's cheaper and last longer."  Then she proceeds to lecture me about how I shouldn't go to the tanning bed because they cause cancer and I don't want cancer cause it really sucks and she knows.  I started laughing because she has cancer and is smoking in my non-smoking car but she getting after me like I'm 10 years old for going to the tanning bed.  I'm so glad she's doing better right now.  I say right now because this is a very aggressive cancer and it spreads quickly, so she has to be tested often to make sure there are no new tumors.  But she's feeling so much better and that's great.

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