Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Name Calling

Someone called me a bitch last night.  And she didn't even have the nerve to say it to my face.  That's how I know I really got under her skin.  And all I did was sit there and say nothing, I didn't even roll my eyes when she started bragging about the expensive things her husband buys her.  I didn't say anything or roll my eyes because I really don't care.  I do care, however, that I have a deep disgust for this person.  So deep that I didn't even realize how much I dislike her until she was sitting across from me.  It's been a while since I've seen this person and although I haven't personally had words with her in a while, I know that she has spoken very badly of me to many people I know.  It's all very juvenile.  So juvenile in fact, that is the whole reason I can't be friends with her anymore.  I guess I should back up a little.  She and I were very good friends for a very short time.  Long story short, we had a falling out, tried to make up, had another falling out, tried to make up, then I heard she was saying very mean things about me and my friends.  She's called me (and others) a fake bitch, two faced and weak.   Now, there are times that I can pull off being a bitch, but most of the time I'm just happy and jolly.  I'm not at all two faced, I don't talk about others behind their back.  In fact, I know she will read this blog at some point and therefore I'm not even writing about her behind her back, so take that!  And as far as being weak...yeah,  not so much.  It takes a very strong, patient person to sit across from someone who has been so mean to you over a long period of time and not say anything.  It takes a lot of poise to not give dirty looks or say anything about such person right after they step out the door.  I'm the strongest person you've ever met.  My strength comes from my core.  If I wasn't strong, I'd be divorced because I wouldn't have the strength to fight for what I believe in.  If I was weak, I be on anti-depressants because I wouldn't know how to deal with the stress of a family, work (well, looking for a job, which I found, yay me), school and finances. 

I actually feel very sorry for this person who hates me so much.  She's so negative all the time.  I can't imagine what it must be like to wake up everyday and be so pissed off at the world.  To need to have things bought for me just to make me feel better about myself.  To be so bitter that nobody wants to be your friend.  I hope I'm never like that.  I hope I always try to see both sides of the situation and find optimistic options for the resolution to the issue at hand.  That's how I am now, that's how I've always been.  When I was young it made me very naive.  Now, that I'm older, and wiser (she says as she throws her head back and laughs) I am optimistic AND realistic.  Age, marriage and children will do that to you.  And I wouldn't change it for the world.  I love my positive attitude and I hope it rubs off on the people I'm around.

On another note, I found a great job and I start next week!  I can't wait, I was just starting to get bored being off work.  Dylan's started baseball practice, Hannah's in gymnastics and then Dylan's in guitar lessons too.  So, things are getting super busy.  I hope I can keep up with the new work schedule, practices and school.  Wish me luck, or at the least pray for me.  And I'll pray for you this spring too.  I'll pray that your yard is beautiful, your family is happy and healthy, and that you enjoy every moment of every day.  And that you laugh at the names that people call you, because that is always the best response.


  1. Go get em girl! :) and congrats on the new job!!

  2. FANTASTIC! I share the same optimism! Having class and poise in that situation proves again why you are one of my besties! Haters are everywhere! Shake'em off girl!

  3. i liked this one- i think you should have gone bitch on her ; ) - but i agree and feel the same about everything you said

  4. The NERVE OF HER...to call you that name...ha ha! The never ending story of that person... Kellie, I love your blog posts! LOVE THEM! Flip that hair back girl as you write! The funny thing is that I busted out laughing when I read that part because I could "so" see you doing that and have before! Thanks for praying for us all too!!!
