Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Nothing special

Well, I made it through Christmas.  And it was what it was.  That's it.  Nothing special.  My kids made out like bandits, as always.  Dylan's favorite gift is his Colts slippers that look like shoes.  He hasn't taken them off unless he's in the shower or we're leaving to go somewhere.  He says his favorite thing about them is how squishy the soles are and how they bounce back with every step he takes.  Hannah didn't really like anything I got her and I can't tell if it's because she really doesn't like it or if it's because I got it for her.  We returned half of her gifts this week and I didn't say anything about the things she exchanged them for, just in case it might make her change her mind about her new choices.  She traded that black and gray bed set I got her for a different black and gray bed set.  Then, when we were in Aeropostal exchanging a sweater for some t-shirts she decided to throw a fit like a 5 year old because she didn't want to stand in line.  Someone tell me when will this puberty thing will end, I can't remember how long it took for me to stop being hormonal.  Wait...I'm still hormonal.  This is very discouraging.  I fear that she and I will never get along and it will always be like this, us arguing over stupid things that don't really matter.  I'm sure we will always be this way and I will just have to deal with it and continue to love her.

Now I have the week off and it's been fantastic.  I watched a friends daughter and since she is friends with my kids I let her stay all night.  My kids had fun all night and I was able to sit in my Colts room and watch a movie.  The only thing missing was a glass of wine, which I decided I shouldn't drink since I was watching my friends child.  Don't worry, I'm having two glasses of wine tonight to make up for the glass I so missed last night.  But not having a glass of wine was worth the 2 hours of relaxation I got while my friends daughter played the Wii with my kids.  I have also cleaned my house, including putting away all the Christmas gifts.  I haven't taken down the tree yet though, I like to leave it up for one extra week.  This year, when I take down the Christmas decor, I am also taking everything off the walls in the living room and totally redecorating.  It's been the same for 7 years now and I'm finally a little tired of the look of the room.  I am very excited about doing this change.  I need a change.  I so feel that my life is the same thing over and over and over again.  It will be nice to come home to something different, even if it is only different for a while before it becomes the same.  If that makes any since.

I wish my holiday was more exciting.  We are hosting New Year's Eve at our house, so maybe I'll have some funny story to tell next time.  Until then, I hope your 2010 was amazing.  Mine had it's ups and downs and I have no idea what to expect in 2011, but I'll keep you posted.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Ugh, it's snowing again.  As if the 4 inches that is already on the ground isn't enough.  I don't like snow, at all.  Unless it's going to close everything down and leave me sitting next to my fireplace watching an uncut, unedited version of A Christmas Vacation, then I don't want anything to do with snow.  I have a friend who ended up in a ditch yesterday morning.  Thank goodness she is alright and no damage to her car either, but that is just another reason I hate snow.  Snow on the road turns into ice which causes accidents because people don't know how to drive on ice.  I am lucky, my dad took me out on icy country roads one winter and taught me how to drive on ice.  Best dad ever!  I also hate wearing a coat, no matter how cute that coat may be.  Wearing a coat sucks because it's bulky, makes you look fat, and makes it difficult to carry your purse on your shoulder.  And don't even get me started on snow boots.  If only some designer, somewhere, could find a way to design a stylish snow boot, then maybe I would buy a pair.  I guess it could be worse though, instead of just a few inches of snow, we could be having a blizzard that's causing roofs to cave in.  Thank goodness I don't live in Minnasota!  OK, I think I'm done with my rant on snow....for now.

Something else to discuss, Christmas.  It's a week away and I'm doing all my shopping tomorrow.  I do have to travel down to the mall at lunch to pick up my daughter's birthday present since her party is tonight.  Hey, don't judge me because I waited until the very last minute to get her gift, I've had a busy week.  Heck, I've had a busy month.  And nothing funny has really happened.  But I'm greatful nothing bad or sad has happened either.  So, I guess that's good. 

Oh, I should let everyone know that my husband is awesome.  He has a horrible cold, but still got up while I was in the shower and shoveled the drive and warmed up my car for me.  Love him...  Even if he didn't do anything inside the house this week...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A trip into the past

Now here's something ridiculous...I got home from class late Monday night and there is this box sitting in my entry way.  My sister tells me that mom told her to bring it to me and it's full of stuff from my high school years.  Now, I have to tell you that my mom has been giving me stuff from "my high school years" for years now.  So my natural response was "there's more stuff?"  As I started pulling things out of the box, I realize it's not from high school, it's from jr. high.  And not only is it stuff from my jr. high school years, it's stuff I had thrown away and my mom thought she should keep it "just in case".  There were full size wall posters of Paula Abdul, Bo Jackson (yeah, remember him?), Nelson (the hot twins with long hair), Michael Jordan, Vanilla Ice, and...get ready for it...New Kids on the Block.  There were sweatshirts from the sports I took part in as well as a pair of stone washed jean shorts that I had decorated with puffy paint.  I can't believe she's had these things all this time.  Apparently keeping them in the attic, surprisingly they were in good condition.  But here's the best part, there were three posters of black panthers.  I had these because my favorite song at the time was Black Cat by Janet Jackson (oh Janet, I don't think I would have made it through some days without you in 1990).  This is the best part because these posters are now hanging on my daughter's bedroom wall.  I know it sounds crazy, but when she saw them she said, "Mom, I have to have these, please let me hang them in my room."  So, since they are in good condition, I said yes.  Now, here's the sad part.  My daughter has changed the posters on her wall a couple times over the past few years, but there is a picture of a crown that says princess on it hanging above her dresser.  She's asked to take it down and give it to Goodwill.  I will take it down (even though it will kill me to let go of this last part of her being a child), but I will not give it to Goodwill.  I will put it in a box that will collect various items over the next 7 years -as she graduates in 2017- hold this box in my attic for 20 some odd years and then give it to her one night when I'm watching her kids (my grandkids).  I hope she will enjoy the trip down memory lane as much as I did the other night...thanks for thinking ahead 20 years mom!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Around the corner

Christmas is right around the corner and I'm so not pre-pared.  I do this every year.  Wait until the last minute to do any shopping.  I've only got a few things for the kids and that's it.  Haven't even thought about what to get my parents yet.  Or my in-laws.  Or my nieces and nephews.  Humm...what's one to do.  I think I might shop online some this year.  I've only ordered a few things in the past, but I might go all out this year.  My husband and I aren't buying for each other because we decided to get a new mattress.  We're going all out and getting something fantastic.  I'm very excited about this but also sad that I can't shop for him.  I love to shop for my husband.  I was going to get him a think pad and all the Dave Matthews Band CDs we don't have.  Then I was going to download all those CDs to his IPOD.  He would love that.  I also thought about getting him the Colts sofa he's only been asking for for years now.  But the shopping for him won't happen since we are sharing the cost of the gifts we would normally buy for each other and getting something we both need.  My concern about buying a new mattress is that we won't want to get out of the bed and therefore will be late for work much more often than we are now.  But I'm getting it anyway!

Back to online shopping.  My concern with this (I'm very concerned today, can't you tell?) is how do you return it and what if someone steels it off my front porch when it's delivered.  Also, do I really want to pay extra for the shipping?  Really?  Shipping can be expensive and since I live so close to the mall the cost of gas to go shopping isn't nearly as much as shipping can be.  Plus, as I've already discussed in the past, I love to shop.  And I really love to shop during the holidays.  I love watching people get mad because they can't find what they are looking for. I think it's funny. And I love it when someone spreads good cheer too.  For example, I was at the grocery store the other day and I had 4 items.  The man in line in front of me had about 15 items or so.  He looked at me and said, "really, that's all you have". I said yes and he let me go in front of him.  That was nice and made me feel all warm and cozy inside.  I then returned the favor by letting him use my discount card because he didn't have his.  He saved some money and I got out of the store faster.  Ahh...nice things lead to more nice things and good feelings. 
Anyway, I said I might do more online shopping this year, but I think I've changed my mind.  Yep, why would I want to shop online when I love shopping off line so much more?  Why would I pay for shipping when I live so close to every store I need/want to go to?  And why, for goodness sake, why would I deprive my shopping addiction during the holidays?  Once again I will pay a sitter to watch my kids while I head out in the cold weather to hit every store that has good deals on the things my kids want for Christmas.  I'm so excited!